Sunday, November 13, 2011

I couldn't think of a title for this post. So much I want to say...and I can't find the words. We are here in Guangzhou, sleeping tonight under the same moon and stars as our Yu Ying. Tomorrow she will become Jillian Snow...and so perfectly fill that empty place, we, her family, have been carrying around for four long years.

I could write about how prayers were answered for a safe (if not very long and brutal) flight. How we successfully maneuvered our way from Newark to Hong Kong to Guangzhou...and lost one day in the process due to time differences (but bonus for us because we travel BACK on Thanksgiving, thus giving us TWO Thanksgivings. But probably no turkey on Air Napon. We'll see..)I could write how Lia is a true travel rock star who is successfully charming everyone from taxi drivers to bellboys. How tonight that girl, so tired from jet lag she has barely eaten all day (please pray), asked for her crayons to make her mom and dad a card congratulating us. With a small attachment for her baby sister. How, as I type in this far-away from home hotel room, with my husband and my daughter sleeping away, I can barely keep the tears from overwhelmed with it ALL, I am.

But, instead, tonight, the detail I would like to remember from the last 40 hours is the conversation I had with our guide, Kelly, as we made our way to our hotel room this afternoon. She told me she had seen Jillian last week when she visited the orphanage with another family. She observed Jillian taking part in a class of some sort where she was singing. And dancing. With great enthusiasm. Be.Still.My.Heart. I asked if Jillian had been told that we were coming...and Kelly said that she had been. Kelly herself, asked Jillian if her Mama and Daddy were coming for her...and she said Jillian didn't answer. She just smiled.

Sweet Yu Ying...tonight you sleep alone for the last time. Tomorrow, you will know the great big love of a Mama, a Daddy...and a big sister. You will never be alone again. And that sweet girl?? THAT makes your Mama smile.

We will meet Jillian at 2:30 pm tomorrow (1:30 am EST). Please pray for all of us...but mostly that sweet baby girl sleeping somewhere out very very close...


Laurie said...

So happy to hear that your travels went well and that you are SO close!! Cannot wait to see tomorrow's pictures!! :) Big love is RIGHT!!

The Byrd's Nest said...

I'm so glad you made it safely! Praying for your family today and Jillian's sweet heart:)

paige said...

she smiled!!!!
priceless words i'm certain will forever be imprinted on your heart...but maybe not as much as the image of that precious, prayed for & chosen for you child, jillian smiling at her mommy

redmaryjanes said...

Oh goodness, I so remember those feelings. Absorb as much as you can. Tomorrow will be a whirlwind. One of the most amazing days of your life. You will be in my thoughts and prayers and day.

3 Peanuts said...

Every word of this is so beautiful as it clearly comes straight from a heart filed with joy, anticipation and gratitude. I remember when you first made this log and you were dreaming of names. That was so long ago. To witness this joyful blessing now is so powerful. I will pray that all goes smoothly. So excited for you all.


Jboo said...

So thrilled for you and your sweet family! Will be praying for your today and tomorrow and the days to come.


Kam said...

I gobbled up your words like the richest chocolate. Thank you for posting! We are so happy and excited for you all.

Much love and prayers~

Marla said...

So happy you have made it safely! As I was reading your post, I realized that you are probably holding your baby girl right now, as it is 1:51 p.m. EST!!!!

I can't wait to read your posts tomorrow. I am so excited for you all. Sending you lots of prayers for an easy transition for all!

Jennifer said...

By the time I wake up tomorrow you will have her!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!


Bridget said...

Oh Kate you know how very excited I am for all of you! This post was filled with the sweet words of a loving Mother! I just smile thinking of your sweet girl knowing that she is soon to meet you! What a day it will be. Know that I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers. May tomorrow be everything you have hoped for. I pray your sweet Jillian's transition is easy and happy. She will soon learn how loved she is and that there is nothing better than being part of your loving family! For all you have hoped, prayed and wished for over the past few years know that your special day is finally here and I could not be any happier for you! Know that I am thinking about yup and can't wait to see your precious girl in your arms right where she belongs!!


Kim and Dennis said...

So exited and happy to read your posts from China! I am praying for your sweet family and so looking forward to the next post + PHOTOS!!!

M and M Girls said...

I'm so glad that you are there in China so very close to Jillian. It is almost perfect. It will be simply divine when you have her in your arms. I look forward to seeing that sight. I remember your first journey and was pleased to be apart of that one. Glad to still be a part of this one. Yeah, another Panda. :-) Hugs, Diane

Erin said...

Beautiful! What a precious account of your family's journey to little Jillian! I am excited!

Mireille said...

What a wonderful post, brought tears to my eyes and all my memories came back as well. I am so happy for you guys and soon, just soon, you will have her in your arms!! Give her an extra kiss from me!!